PlotCalc - soft for a cutting plotter
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PlotCalc Functions

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20.04.2024 PlotCalc 2024.04.20 - CorelDRAW 2024 support has been realized


Acceleration of sampling of extra tape around the cut figures


After text cutting the need for sampling of extra tape around it arises, in order to fulfill this task in a fast and efficient way, you may preliminary use the special function which draws auxiliary lines so that the text is split into 2 halves, you need to detach the text and click the button “Cleaning” on the PlotCalc toolbar for it.

In order to get a circumscribed rectangle around the text, in PlotCalc settings in the “Tape cleaning” Tab enable the corresponding checkbox and enter offset,

in this case the result will be as follows:

Whereupon you may send the layout for cutting and then select waste tape around the letters in a free-and-easy way.


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